 Luminaires d035
Modular luminaires based on lamps with a reduced 35mm diameter reflector. Creates models of small built-in lamps and spotlights. 
 Luminaires d050
Luminaires based on 50, 51mm diameter lamps. By using default parameters, the object generates a common household spotlight. 
 Luminaires d070
Modular light based on a lamp with a 70mm diameter reflector.
 Luminaires d111
The object is a variety of modifications of luminaires with a 111mm diameter lamp. 
 Lamp Symbols 2D
General-purpose 2D symbol. The object with the ability of a flexible adjustment of the symbol of any type of luminaire. 
Amount (excluding discounts)
*In the Names column (links), see the detailed paragraphs with the descriptions and characteristics of libraries and objects.
**You can send a request from the ©GDLfragments Library Order page.
*** The prices are in Euro.
